How to Efficiently Migrate from TFS to Azure DevOps
Application lifecycle management systems assist developers with the many stages of DevOps. Those processes include but are not limited to planning, maintenance, coding, testing, deploying, and other tasks. Among the popular tools for collaboration are Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server (previously called “Team Foundation Server” or TFS). Both are extremely helpful for teams who want to streamline their processes, yet they offer varying features and pose different cons. For one, TFS has many limitations and can be quite more complex than Azure DevOps. Some developers also complain about its huge costs and long downtimes. Why it’s worth migrating to Azure DevOps Developers share common sentiments on the challenges that come with using TFS. The most prominent complaints include: Updates to new functions and features are slow. Infrastructure, maintenance, licenses, and other aspects demand too much time and attention. TFS doesn’t comply with many...